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Community-Based Work Study





The Community-Based Work Study program is an excellent opportunity for you to earn the highest Work Study pay rate available at Regis while also gaining valuable job skills and helping out in the community. 




"Although I had great time working with children, I was always worried about them and their futures. Every time I looked from the window of the family area there were people consuming drugs. It was during these times when I realized how small my influence is, and how big the bad influence is. However, I learned that even though I cannot change the world, it is as powerful to just influence and change one person.”


--Riyam Al-Karkokliy

3333 Regis Boulevard | Denver, CO 80221

Work Study at Regis

......................................................The Regis Work Study program is a financial aid ......................................................award that allows eligible students the opportunity participate in part-time employment on or off ......................................................campus. Once they are hired, Work Study students ......................................................are paid for the hours they work with a department ......................................................or organization, allowing them the opportunity to ......................................................“earn and learn” while gaining useful job ......................................................experience and connecting with the broader Regis ......................................................and Denver community.


En Route students who are eligible for work study have the unique opportunity to utilize their placement site as their work study should they choose to do so. Students who choose this option will be able to count their time at their site toward their required service hours AND earn the highest work study rate of $17.30 an hour.



In order to use your En Route placement as your work study placement, you must:


  • Have a Regis student employment award (see “Am I eligible for Work Study?” below)

  • Select your service site as your only work study position (each student is only permitted one work study position, either on or off campus)***

  • Attend a work study orientation with the Center for Service Learning. Register for an orientation by contacting Clare at

  • Complete all required new hire paperwork with Regis, both online through Workday ( ) and by submitting two forms of ID to Student Services in Main Hall (your license or state ID AND either your passport OR your social security card – must be originals, no photocopies!) More information will be included in work study orientation. 

Am I eligible for Work Study

  • In order to find out if you have a work study award, go to and log in with your Regis credentials

  • Select “Students” -> “Financial Aid Home” -> “Financial Information”                                  -> “Financial Aid” -> “My Awards”

  • If you have FEDERAL, STATE, or REGIS STUDENT EMPLOYMENT listed as an award, you are eligible! You must ACCEPT your award first by clicking the box.

  • All eligible students will also receive an email from Student Employment over the summer stating if they are eligible for on campus work study or Community-Based Work Study. Students that are eligible for either program can apply for work study with their En Route placement site.

***While most students are only permitted one on or off campus work study, some hired positions do not count as work study (such as the Phone-A-Ranger phone bank or being a TA for a class). If you have questions about whether or not a position qualifies as work study, please contact Isabell at before applying.



Once you have obtained a Community-Based Workstudy Award and begun your service, service hours must be submitted every two weeks via email in order for you to be paid.

In order to have your hours approved, you must first submit an email timesheet to your site supervisor and your En Route faculty listing your completed hours for the two-week period along with a brief reflection on your tasks over that period. Reflection prompts and requirements will be outlined by your professor.


In order for the hours to be approved, site supervisors will then be responsible for forwarding the email to with the student Cc’d on the email, noting if the hours are approved or not approved. These timesheets must be submitted by the date listed on the Student Timesheet Schedule, (always due on a FRIDAY) for the period listed. 


Timesheets should be approved by supervisors and submitted to the account by 5 p.m. on the appropriate Fridays. 

Timesheets submitted directly to the CBWS account without supervisor approval will be considered invalid and will not be approved. You are responsible for submitting your timesheet in a timely manner so your supervisor can approve it no later than 5 p.m. on Fridays.


Late timesheets may impact your grade. You can find the 2019-2020 Community-Based Workstudy Payroll Schedule here.

For additional information on this special opportunity, please see Regis College's Center for Service Learning office, Loyola 30, and visit their website here.  

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