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About the Enroute Class

Enroute is an inspiring, alternative pathway through Regis University's First-Year Experience. Simply put, Enroute helps new students become working members of a learning community like Regis by exploring how three basic aspects of human life—speaking, doing, and thinking—fruitfully relate to one another.


​This program links the practices of Eloquentia Perfecta – writing and speaking with eloquence – with the skills and virtues required by an ideal of Jesuit education, that of being people in service of others.


Your work in En/Route also takes up the intellectual skills and virtues required for another ideal of Jesuit Education: ethical reflection. This is understood as a willingness and ability to subject your own opinion and the opinions of others about the good life to critical examination.

Service Learning In the Classroom

Service-Learning is not the same as volunteering. In a narrow sense, it is a requirement in the same way that coming to class, reading assigned books, and writing papers are requirements: you can, of course, "volunteer" not to do these things, but this is ultimately a choice not to do well in the class. In a larger sense, you simply cannot do the work of the academic classes without the rich fund of experience you will gain from working at one of our community partner sites. 


For more information on all of the incredible opportunities offered at Regis College's Center for Service Learning, please visit their website, or contact the Center's Co-Director, Melissa Nix.

For more information, please visit: 

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