Professionalism 101
Prepare Yourself to Participate Well
Though you are learning in community, you are also supporting the work of community organizations that are committed to providing vital support to those who need it most. We ask En/Routers to consider themselves ambassadors for Regis to the community partner and those receiving services from the partner organizations. How is this accomplished?
First, and perhaps most importantly, understand that consistency is key. As you learn about partner organizations for the year ahead, keep the following question at the forefront: where can I be most consistent? A lack of consistency (routine absences or tardiness, poor communication with organization staff, last-minute schedule changes, etc.) negatively affects the work of the community partner and the people they serve.
Professional Conduct
Second, understand that the terms of professional conduct are determined by your community partner organization. Professionalism is not an interpretation or an agreement, but a standard or expectation to which volunteers participating with the organization must rise. Ask during your initial meetings about the organization's preferences for communication, dress code, the use of e-mail, and consistency.
Communicate Clearly
and Respectfully
Third, communicate clearly and respectfully with your site supervisor. You should discuss your schedule carefully, and offer timely notice of your absences to your site supervisor. Examples of appropriate communication with supervisors are included in your En/Route manual (made available in August).
Seek Support When You Need It
Fourth, seek support when you need it. Your site supervisor can assist you in making necessary adjustments. Engaged Scholar-Activists and En/Route faculty can assist you in strategizing around challenging situations or conversations, and the broader En/Route community is here to help you bring your very best to the community and your community partner.