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Book Give

About Book Give

BookGive works their mission by sourcing new and gently used books from the community and publishers; sorting book donations to fulfill books requests; and delivering curated collections of books to nonprofits, schools and agencies throughout the seven county Denver metro region. In their first five months of operation included delays, shutdowns and limited hours, they succeeded in delivering over 15,000 books to community partners from Boulder to Littleton, Golden to Watkins.


​BookGive is a small nonprofit fueled by dozens of volunteers and one paid staff, our Executive Director, Melissa Monforti. Melissa has many years of formal and informal experience mentoring youth. She is a natural teacher with a passion for helping others name and reach for their short- and long-term goals. If you dream of working in a place where you can spread your wings and try new things with a coach who cares about you, we encourage you to apply.

How to Serve


BookGive believes that literacy is a basic human right. Reading is a necessary life skill that opens windows into other lives and imaginings, increasing understanding and empathy. 


 Their vision is that the quality of life for all residents in the Denver metro region reaches its highest potential. Our mission is to increase book ownership and access as a key factor in reaching that vision.



Book Give


Address: 4890 Lowell Blvd., Denver, CO 80221


Service Station: 720-638-7836


Click the image to be taken to their website!​



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BookGive seeks a volunteer to take on the role of Station Manager. Our station managers oversee daily operations including opening and closing procedures; receiving book donations; orienting volunteers; assigning volunteer duties; coordinating book deliveries; sorting books; and general office management tasks.


The Station Manager will fulfill their volunteer hours at the Service Station. In the case of a shutdown, remote tasks can be assigned to fulfill volunteer hours. Station Managers report to the Executive Director. This role will spend time working with our ED and with various volunteers.


Currently, we are seeking one Station Manager to volunteer 3-4 hours per week to be completed in one shift . Hours can be arranged that match the needs of the volunteer. Currently, our hours are weekdays only. We intend to increase our operational hours to eventually include one Saturday a month.

Volunteer Information

BookGive welcomes volunteers who fully support their mission on and off the clock; offer remarkable customer service; choose to see life as joyful and fun; and who balance self-confidence with  humility. Their organization thrives on change, flexibility and creativity. We value a wide range of life experience, perspectives, and communication styles.

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